Elie Portrait

Hi, I'm Elie! A French software engineer passionate about data and AI. I love building AI-powered applications using Python.

About me

Like many, I recently developed a strong interest for LLMs and want to keep learning by building tools leveraging the power of LLMs to make people's lives easier.

My projects


This app won the Dash-GPT Challenge organized by Plotly. It uses LLMs to generate interactive Plotly charts from natural language.

  • Python
  • Dash
  • Plotly
  • LLMs
  • HuggingFace


A collection of notebooks leveraging Machine Learning to predict illegal fishing activities based on data available online.

  • Python
  • Random Forest
  • KNN
  • Logistic Regression

My skills

My experience

Contact me

Please contact me directly at eliebrosset@gmail.com or through this form.